Anchor Workout

by Jake Wilson
(Daleville IN)

Monday: Chest and Arms

Start with 3 sets of bench repping 10 times. Begin 4th set with lighter weight and go to failure.

Now move to wide grip bench with lighter weight. Now go to tricep pull downs 3 sets of 10 with a set of dips in-between each set of pull downs.

Now move to straight bar curls, use comfortable weight and do sets of 10, 3 times with sets of pull ups in between each curl set.

Now finally 30's, use a straight curl bar and go half way up 10 times, and without breaking go halfway down 10 time, then do 10 full curls...3 sets of those.

Wednesday: Legs

Start with 3 sets of squats to 15 reps. Now go to leg press, do 3 sets of 10 on comfortable weight.

With leg press machine do a set of 10, move the weight up, a set of 20, move the weight up, and a set of 30 all without breaking.

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Oct 26, 2015
Workout NEW

Really useful. I've been doing this during two months already and the result is obvious. You can look at my photos at essaykings. They've written the article about me.

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