Build Muscle Fast: Use the Bench Press Calculator For Your 1RM, Reps and Sets

Our free bench press calculator allows you quickly determine your bench press one rep max based on the number of bench press repetitions completed for a given weight.

Many chest workout routines call for a specific number of repetitions using a specific amount of weight. Often times, this weight is indicated by a percentage, such as in the example below:

Exercise Sets RepsWeight
Bench Presses 4 1080%

The question quickly becomes, “80% of what, exactly?” Well then answer is 80% of your bench press one rep max. That is where our bench press calculator comes in.

With the bench press calculator, you can easily calculate your 1 rep max and various percentages to determine the target weight for each set.

To use the bench press calculator, perform a set of bench presses, using a weight you can handle for several reps. Lift the weight as many times as you can. When finished, enter the amount of weight used and the number of repetitions completed into the bench press calculator.

You will receive your one rep max (1RM) as well as the amount of weight that corresponds to several different percentages of that one rep max.

You can use the one rep max calculator any time you need to know how much weight to use for your next chest workout. Simply enter the amount of weight lifted and the number repetitions completed in the yellow cells below to see your bench press 1RM.

Additionally, we provide you with the weight you should use for workout plans that recommend a percentage of bench press 1RM.

Weight Lifted  
# of Reps Completed  
1 Rep Max Bench Press  

Bench Press Calculator Powered by Build Muscle and Burn Fat with Middle Management

The bench press calculator uses the following formula:

Bench Press 1RM = ((Number of Reps / 30) + 1) x Weight Used

Other Bench Press Calculator Resources

Bench Press Chart

One Rep Max Formulas

Weight Lifting Bench Press

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