Best Ab Workout #1

Free Workout Plan for 6 Pack Abs

Have you been looking for the best ab workout?

This free workout plan for 6 pack abs focuses on the entire abdominal region using a superset approach. With a superset, you complete one exercise after another in rapid succession. This completes one set. After a brief rest period, you repeat the exercises.

This free workout plan includes a weighted cable crunch for building thickness in the ab muscles, followed by hanging leg raises to thoroughly work the lower ab region. Finally, the superset is completed with a standard crunch to target the upper abdominals.

This workout may integrate this workout in a full body or split routine. In either case, you should rest at least 48 hours (2 days) between ab workouts. Remember, sufficient rest is essential to build muscle and burn fat.


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When performing Build Muscle and Burn Fat's Best Ab Workout #1, you should perform the exercises in sequence with minimal rest. This will complete one superset. Rest 2 minutes between supersets, and then repeat the cycle. Perform each rep with a 2-1-1 tempo. This simply means that you want to take 2 seconds to lower the weight, pause for 1 second, and then perform the lift in 1 second. At the top of the movement you may also squeeze your abs hard for a more intense workout.

Best Workout for Abs Number 1
Exercise Sets Reps
Cable Crunch 2 10
Hanging Leg Raise 2 15
Standard Crunch 2 25

Printable Workout

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