Use a BMI Chart to Answer the Question "What is My BMI?"

In order to answer the question, "What is my BMI?" it is often useful to use a BMI chart.

It is important to remember that BMI is only an approximation of your body composition and should not be used by itself. It is important to consider your body composition in addition to your body mass index when assessing your health.

The first chart below plots your weight across the horizontal axis, with pounds across the top, and, if you prefer, kilograms across the bottom. Your height is plotted on the vertical axis with meters on the left and feet/inches on the right.

The second set of charts provides numerical values for your body mass index to help you answer "What is my BMI?"


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For those who do not like the BMI formulas, or would like a visual representation of their BMI and how it can vary with height and weight, the BMI chart is a very useful tool.

To find your body mass index, simply find the point on the chart where your height and weight intersect.

Body Mass Index: Charts

BMI chart estimates body mass index.

The dashed lines above represent further granularity within regions. For example, you may divide the underweight category severely underweight, moderately underweight or mildly underweight. The chart above does not provide body mass index values. You can use the body mass index charts below for more exact values.

Use this BMI chart to calculate your approximate body mass index.

BMI Calculators

For those that want exact calculations, the following sites will help:

Middle Management™ BMI Calculator

Find Values Like Those in the BMI Chart Above

BMI Formulas

Finally, if you are looking for the formulas to calculate your body mass index, you can find them on our BMI formulas page.

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