The Middle Management™ Simple Calorie Calculator

How Many Calories Should You Eat Each Day?

Welcome to The Middle Management™ Simple Calorie Calculator!

Q: How many calories should I eat per day to burn 1 pound of fat per week?

A: The answer depends on how many calories you burn daily.

This calculator has two integral parts to help you quickly and easily approximate the number of calories you need to burn 1 pound of fat per week using two calorie calculators:

  1. A daily calories burned calculator, and
  2. A calorie intake calculator.

Calorie Calculator: Daily Calories Burned Calculator

The daily calories burned calculator is a calorie calculator that takes into account your current weight, body fat percentage (if you know it), and daily activity estimate to approximate your daily calories burned.

This daily calories burned calculator provides a simple estimate of your basal metabolic rate (BMR) and total daily energy expenditure (TDEE).

The article “How Many Calories Do I Need to Burn Fat or Build Muscle?” explains the calculations used in the daily calories burned calculator in detail.

Calorie Calculator: Calorie Intake Calculator

The second part of the Middle Management™ Simple Calorie Calculator is the calorie intake calculator. The calorie intake calculator estimates how many calories you should eat per day to lose 1 pound of fat per week, 1.5 pounds of fat per week, and 2 pounds of fat per week.

To do this, the calorie intake calculator uses the fact that it takes a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories to burn 1 pound of fat. So, to determine how many calories you need to eat per day to burn 1 pound of fat per week, divide 3,500 calories by 7 days. The result is a 500 calorie deficit per day to lose 1 pound of fat per week.

Using the same logic, to lose 2 pounds of fat per week, you should eat up to 1,000 calories less per day than you burn.

The calorie intake calculator uses the result from the daily calories burned calculator to estimate how many calories you need per day to burn fat.


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Calorie Calculator: Instructions

The Middle Management™ Simple Calorie Calculator is an easy to use tool to give you an estimate of how many calories you need to lose weight primarily from fat. The calorie calculator provides estimates for losing between 1 and 2 pounds per week. To use the calorie calculator:

  1. Enter your current weight in pounds.

  2. If you know your body fat percentage, enter it into the calorie calculator. If you do not know your body fat percentage, enter 0, or use the simple body fat calculator to calculate body fat percentage.

  3. Select your activity level estimate form the drop down box.

  4. The number in the “Baseline” box is the result from the daily calories burned calculator. This approximates how many calories you burn daily based on your lean body mass and daily activity level estimates.

  5. The “Calories to Lose Approximately” Table displays the results of the calorie intake calculator. This section of the calorie calculator estimates the recommended daily calorie intake to lose 1 pound of fat, to lose 1.5 pounds of fat, or to lose 2 pounds of fat per week.

The Middle Management™ Simple Calorie Calculator

Body Fat %    
Enter Whole Number.  If you do not know your body fat %, enter 0, or use the simple body fat calculator to calculate body fat percentage.  
Lean Body Mass    
Activity Level  
Calories to Lose Approximately    
1 Pound/Week 1.5 Pounds/Week 2 Pounds/Week    
We do not recommend less than 1,200 calories per day;  
therefore, the calorie calculator will not go lower than this  
number.  Consult a physician before beginning any diet or  
weight loss program.  

Spread these calories over 5 to 8 small meals per day for best results and to make progress to a set of 6-pack abs. This will keep your metabolism burning at a high rate, making weight loss easier.

Note: These number in the calorie calculator (both the daily calories burned calculator and the calorie intake calculator) are only estimates. If you find that you are not losing a pound or two per week, then you should reduce your calorie intake slightly until you are losing the desired amount of weight.

Also, if you find you are losing more than 1 to 2 pounds per week, you should add calories to you daily plan until you are back in the safe range.

Not only is losing 1 to 2 pounds per week considered safe and healthy by most experts, it also ensures that most of the weight you lose is primarily from fat. We do not recommend attempting to lose more than 1 to 2 pounds per week for safe and effective weight loss. Please see our disclaimer for more details.

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