by Rob Ryan
(Roanoke, VA)
Allow yourself to eat any food you desire. If you can't have it you're more likely to binge and get off track than if you say sure I can have a few bites of Chunky Monkey. Just keep your portions small and be aware of the calories you are eating. Maybe try cutting back 200 calories at dinner so you can have 200 calories of Rocky Road. Or exercise an extra half hour and have a half bag of M&M's (the small bag not the 1 pounder, I know what you were thinking but I think just like you do so I know). The big thing is if you do blow your limit for the day, so what, get right back to it the next day. Maybe even try and cut back a little extra the next day to make up for it. While a nice amount of protein, some carbs, and some fat are always better fuel for your body than straight sugars, ultimately calories are calories and a little treat here and there is not going to hurt you.