Welcome to FatBurning 101™

Thank you for taking the time, effort and action to sign up for the Middle Mangement® email list. I am committed to delivering quality content to you each and every day, so be on the look out for some cool stuff coming your way.

I wanted to do more than just say "thank you," though, so here we are.

FatBurning 101™ is one of my first "courses" and started out years ago as a simple outline I gave to friends and family to help them understand my "secret formula" for transforming by body and eventually shedding 114 pounds. It evolved over time into its present online form, a set of 4 streaming video modules. They really lay the foundation for the Middle Management method, and are jam packed with information.

You'll actually notice below that there is much more below than just the videos. You are also getting pdf guides and mp3's of each module.

Also, down below, you'll also see your download links for the special report: The 9 Critical Components You Must Have To Convert Your Body Into An Automated Fat Burning Machine! and the Fitness Experts Live! interviews.

I overdeliver early and often. And that's what keeps my thousands of subscribers coming back for more!

Module 1

Module 1 Bonus Content

Download MP3

Download PDF

Check out the #Simplified Fat Loss System

Module 2

Module 2 Bonus Content

Download MP3

Download PDF (Coming Soon!)

Check out the #Simplified Fat Loss System

Module 3

Module 3 Bonus Content

Download MP3

Download PDF (Coming Soon!)

Check out the #Simplified Fat Loss System

Module 4

Module 4 Bonus Content

Download MP3

Download PDF (Coming Soon!)

Check out the #Simplified Fat Loss System

Bonus Content!

The 9 Critical Components You Must Have To Convert Your Body Into An Automated Fat Burning Machine!

Valerie Waters - Action Hero Babe(MP3)

Valerie Waters - GI Joe Workout (PDF)

Elliot Hulse - Lean Hybrid Muscle (MP3)

Elliot Hulse - Warrior Physique (PDF)

Carla Birnberg - MizFit Online (MP3)