GREAT Mass Building and Fat Burning Combo Workout Routine

by John
(Andalusia, Alabama)

This plan is actually a compilation of a few of my ideas and stuff I found on this site, but has bee working great for me so far. I have added great strength and definition and lost about 20 pounds already in about 2 months.

Mass Building/Fat Loss Workout Plan

Day 1: Chest and Shoulders
15-20 Minute Cardio Warm-up
Flat Bench Press 3x12
Incline Bench Press 3x12
Decline Bench Press 3x12
Flat Bench Flys 3x12
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x12
Standing Upright Rows 3x12
Seated Rear Lateral Raise 3x12
Barbell Shrug 3x12
Dumbell Shrug 3x12
10-15 Minute Cardio Cool-down

Day 2: Arm and Back
15-20 Minute Cardio Warm-up
Lying Triceps Press 3x10
Triceps Pull-down 3x10
Standing Bicep Curl 3x10
Preacher Curl 3x10
Swing Training Pulls 3x12
Seated Forearm Curls 3x12
Forearm Roll-ups 3x6
Neck Flexors 3x8 (each direction)
10-15 Minute Cardio Cool-down

Day 3: Legs and Abs
15-20 Minute Cardio Warm-up
Leg Press 3x10
Calf Raise 3x12 (with 10 second stretch hold at bottom on last rep)
Dumbbell Lunges 3x12 (six reps each leg)
Leg Extensions 3x12
Leg Curls 3x12
Standard Crunch 2x10
Leg Raise 2x15 (Lying down or Hanging)
Oblique Crunch 2x25
10-15 Minute Cardio Cool-down

Day 4: Cardio Only
45-60 Minutes Continuous Cardio
(This cardio can be broken up on multiple machines, but all should add up to a cumulative 45-60 minutes of workout time. This should be done in interval workouts. These workouts start with a brisk walk pace for 3-4 minutes and then 1 minute of sprinting. As you progress you should decrease the brisk walk times between your sprint times until you work down to a 1:1 ration and then progress to a constant jog pace.

Day 5: Chest and Shoulders
15-20 Minute Cardio Warm-up
Flat Bench Press 3x12
Incline Bench Press 3x12
Decline Bench Press 3x12
Flat Bench Flys 3x12
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 3x12
Standing Upright Rows 3x12
Seated Rear Lateral Raise 3x12
Barbell Shrug 3x12
Dumbell Shrug 3x12
10-15 Minute Cardio Cool-down

Day 6: Arms and Back
15-20 Minute Cardio Warm-up
Lying Triceps Press 3x10
Triceps Pull-down 3x10
Standing Bicep Curl 3x10
Preacher Curl 3x10
Swing Training Pulls 3x12
Seated Forearm Curls 3x12
Forearm Roll-ups 3x6
Neck Flexors 3x8 (each direction)
10-15 Minute Cardio Cool-down

Day 7: Legs and Abs
15-20 Minute Cardio Warm-up
Leg Press 3x10
Calf Raise 3x12 (with 10 second stretch hold at bottom on last rep)
Dumbbell Lunges 3x12 (six reps each leg)
Leg Extensions 3x12
Leg Curls 3x12
Standard Crunch 2x10
Leg Raise 2x15 (Lying down or Hanging)
Oblique Crunch 2x25
10-15 Minute Cardio Cool-down

Day 8: Cardio Only
45-60 Minutes Continuous Cardio

At this point the workout plan starts over. I know its kind of odd being an 8 day cycle but this is the best way I have found to work it all in.

Comments for GREAT Mass Building and Fat Burning Combo Workout Routine

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Nov 13, 2010
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Nov 13, 2010
by: kiroshimasylvia

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Oct 17, 2010
Good but not good enough
by: JT

First, I want to say congratulations on your focus and determination with obvious results. 20 lbs in 2 months is a great accomplishment.

I noticed however you have not included solid back exercises on any of the days. On arms and back days, you start by working out your small muscle groups and you have no exercises for the big back muscles. Keep in mind the back muscles can make up to 70% of your upper body muscle mass. They are a group of quite large muscles, some extend from your upper back all the way to your lower back, and just like legs, need to be worked out so as to get most of the overall systemic benefits of developing the big muscle groups. Not to mention the need for a good well balanced torso - chest, upper back, abs and lower back all need to balance eachother out so as to maintain a tight core and avoid creating tension and imbalance. Also, when working out the big upper body muscle groups, you are working out your arms as well. That is why you don't necessarily have to focus on arms as much, and why a few sets of high reps are often employed to finish up a chest/arms or back/arms or even shoulder/arms split. For instance, dips are great for chest/shoulder/triceps and a good finish for a chest day. So are around-the-worlds, and so are DB pullovers.

I would suggest starting with some back-width sets like pulldowns/pullups, some thickness sets like seated rows, or even just rowing machine on cardio days, making sure you always squeeze those shoulder blades together and hold for a second or two at the peak of contraction. Add deadlifts once you've been doing good on back extensions, add good old barbell squats here and there, add good old squats and presses and you will reach a new level of fitness and muscle development.

Lastly, I would recommend less time spent warming, though making sure blood is flowing nicely, employing a warm up set every time you beggin with a muscle group, and investing more time on cardio at the end of your weight training. This way you will be fresh for weight training, being able to train a bit heavier, with better form and focus, and you will be targeting fat loss/cardio (depending on heart rate) after you've exhausted your glycogen reserves - that is, if you're still going for fat loss/definition. It will also help switching it up every 4-6 weeks. Or even every 4th week going lighter, or heavier, or doing intervals, supersetting, tabata, so much that can be done within the weight training routine. Keep your body guessing and let it recover, rebuild, and re-adapting. That's key!

You're on the right path, keep up the good work, and keep inspiring others.


Jun 23, 2010
Workout Routine
by: Sandy S.

Your workout routine sounds good. I keep track of mine at with a calorie counter, all sorts of diet plans and weight loss programs. Not to mention, their workout routines are excellent, they work you hard to get the best results for your body! For more info check out their website at

Apr 23, 2009
Great Plan, John
by: Anonymous

I like the plan you've posted. i'm in the want-to-lose-fat-but-gain-muscle-camp. This is the most detailed, and doable plan i've seen. Is it possible to do your cardio on a bike or elliptical? I have bad knees.


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