Tom Venuto refers to as the “Holy Grail Body Transformation Program” is all about lose fat and build muscle at the same time This, clearly, is the absolute highest goal one might strive for in bodybuilding. If you really want to both lose fat and build muscle at the same time, it’s critical that you use a system that really allows you to do so – Fortunately, Tom Venuto has brought such a system to the world.
One great thing Venuto did in his Holy Grail Body Transformation program was bring together a range of systems that allow you the lose weight and gain muscle, all in one place.
Instead of just one system, you get several – All of which have been proven and tested both scientifically and in the real world.
If you wanted to lose weight, generally what you would do is cut down on the amount of calories you’re taking into your body. In other words, you want less in your body if you want to lose weight.
On the other hand, if you want to gain muscle, generally you want to have more calories. You need to stock up on foods like lean chicken, fish, etc because your body needs both proteins and energy to work out and build new muscles.
This has been the main challenge with losing weight and gaining muscle at the same time: The strategies are polar opposites! This is also why Venuto’s new book has generated so much buzz.
Basically, Venuto’s discovered a method for getting the most out of building muscle quickly, then switching to a weight loss strategy, then back, in a way that generates results by alternating days or weeks.
Skeptical that it works?
Many are.
What makes Venuto’s strategy unique, however, is that it was reverse engineered. Instead of coming up with his own system, he went into the real world and saw what worked, figured out why it worked and then came back to put his results into a book.
In other words, everything in his book is based on results and methods that have been proven to work with multiple people with a variety of body types. In addition to the real world results, he also has a ton of scientific data to back it up.
The Holy Grail Body Transformation program is broken up into six parts:
As you can tell, it’s a very comprehensive program. If you truly want to lose weight and build muscle, then Venuto’s Holy Grail Body Transformation program may be just the answer.
Check Out My Brutally Honest Holy Grail Body Transformation Review
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