List of High Protein Foods - Pork Products

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List of High Protein Foods for pork products as classified by the US FDA.

Protein is essential for your body to build, repair, and maintaining muscle. Therefore, protein provides many benefits for people who wish to increase their lean muscle mass or burn fat.

The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) classifies a food as "High Protein" if it contains greater than 10 grams of protein per serving.

Therefore, the following high protein foods from the pork products category each contain greater than 10 grams of protein per serving. Additionally, each food in this high protein foods list meets two additional criterea:

  1. The food derives greater than 20% of its calories from protein, and
  2. The calories from fat are less than 25% of total calories.

The nutritional information comes from the USDA National Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 19.

Additionally, the FDA classifies a food as "low fat" if there are less than 3 grams of fat per serving. In the chart of high protein foods below, we denote "low fat" foods below by an asterisk (*).

List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Pork, cured, ham -- water added, shank, bone-in, separable lean only, unheated
100 grams 91 18.7 88% 1.9 18% *
4 oz 103 21.1 88% 2.1 18% *
Pork, cured, ham -- water added, slice, bone-in, separable lean only, unheated
1 slice 496 94.7 82% 12.5 22%  
100 grams 91 17.4 82% 2.3 22% *
4 oz 103 19.7 82% 2.6 22% *
1 lb 413 78.8 82% 10.4 22%  
Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, slice, bone-in, separable lean only, unheated
1 slice 529 104.7 84% 12.3 21%  
100 grams 123 24.3 84% 2.9 21% *
4 oz 139 27.6 84% 3.3 21%  
2 slice 575 113.8 84% 13.4 21%  
Pork, cured, ham, rump, bone-in, separable lean only, unheated
100 grams 125 24.5 84% 2.9 21% *
4 oz 142 27.7 84% 3.3 21%  
1 lb 567 111.0 84% 13.2 21%  
Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, spleen, cooked, braised
100 grams 149 28.2 81% 3.2 19%  
4 oz 169 32.0 81% 3.6 19%  
1 unit, cooked 446 84.3 81% 9.6 19%  
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, spleen, raw
100 grams 100 17.9 76% 2.6 23% *
4 oz 113 20.2 76% 2.9 23% *
Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, liver, cooked, braised
100 grams 165 26.0 67% 4.4 23%  
4 oz 187 29.5 67% 5.0 23%  
HORMEL ALWAYS TENDER, Pork Tenderloin, Teriyaki-Flavored
100 grams 119 18.2 65% 3.1 23%  
4 oz 134 20.5 65% 3.5 23%  
Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, slice, boneless, separable lean only, heated, pan-broil
1 slice 321 58.0 77% 8.7 24%  
100 grams 116 21.0 77% 3.2 24%  
4 oz 132 23.8 77% 3.6 24%  
100 grams 116 21.0 77% 3.2 24%  
4 oz 132 23.8 77% 3.6 24%  
Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, whole, boneless, separable lean only, heated, roasted
100 grams 113 20.6 78% 3.0 23%  
4 oz 128 23.3 78% 3.4 23%  
1 roast 1691 307.9 78% 45.1 23%  
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, shank, bone-in, separable lean only, unheated
100 grams 130 25.1 82% 3.3 23%  
4 oz 147 28.5 82% 3.8 23%  
1 lb, shank 590 113.9 82% 15.1 23%  
Pork, cured, ham, slice, bone-in, separable lean only, heated, pan-broil
1 slice 535 99.5 79% 15.0 25%  
100 grams 146 27.2 79% 4.1 25%  
4 oz 166 30.8 79% 4.6 25%  
Pork, cured, ham with natural juices, whole, boneless, separable lean and fat, heated, roasted
100 grams 114 20.5 77% 3.1 24%  
4 oz 129 23.3 77% 3.5 24%  
1 roast 1706 307.4 77% 46.8 24%  
Pork, cured, ham, rump, bone-in, separable lean only, heated, roasted
100 grams 132 26.0 84% 3.1 20%  
4 oz 150 29.5 84% 3.5 20%  
1 roast, rump 3794 747.9 84% 88.2 20%  
Pork, cured, ham, shank, bone-in, separable lean only, heated, roasted
100 grams 139 26.5 81% 3.7 23%  
4 oz 158 30.0 81% 4.2 23%  
1 roast, shank 3891 741.6 81% 103.0 23%  
List of High Protein Foods
Serving Size Calories Protein Grams % of Calories From Protein Fat Grams % of Calories From Fat Low Fat
Pork, cured, ham, slice, bone-in, separable lean only, unheated
1 slice 553 103.5 80% 15.3 24%  
100 grams 130 24.4 80% 3.6 24%  
4 oz 147 27.6 80% 4.1 24%  
Pork, fresh, loin, tenderloin, separable lean only, raw
100 grams 120 21.0 75% 3.4 25%  
4 oz 136 23.8 75% 3.9 25%  
1 lb 544 95.2 75% 15.5 25%  
Pork, fresh, variety meats and by-products, liver, raw
100 grams 134 21.4 68% 3.7 24%  
4 oz 152 24.2 68% 4.1 24%  
Pork, cured, ham, shank, bone-in, separable lean only, unheated
100 grams 125 23.8 81% 3.2 22%  
4 oz 142 27.0 81% 3.6 22%  
1 lb 567 107.9 81% 14.5 22%  

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