by The Middle Manager
This workout is one that I use while I watch my beloved Carolina Panthers each Sunday (when I am not at the game of course!).
I do the workout for at least a half, and if I am feeling really good, I will continue for the whole game.
Necessary equipment: Your body and some form of cardio equipment.
I use an elliptical trainer for the cardio portion of the workout below. You can use anything you like, treadmill, Tony Snow's Gazelle, etc. You can even do jumping jacks, jump rope, or run in place!
Here is the routine:
While the game is on: Cardio at about a level 5 or 6 on the perceived exertion scale.
Commercial Breaks: Rotate between 25 push-ups, 33 crunches, 25 reverse crunches, and 25 lunges.
Once your "Commercial" exercise is complete, rest for the remainder of the commercial break.
The average length of a televised NFL game is about 3 hours. With about 15 minutes for halftime, that leaves 2 hours and 45 minutes. That means that if you workout for only the first half, you will get in a nice 1 hour and 15 minute (give or take) interval workout!
Edit: There was a good point made in the comments section regarding the workout being only one day per week. So, here is how to take this workout and make it yours...
What if you don't watch football or want to do this workout more than one day per week? Simple! Apply the same principle to your favorite TV show or shows. For example, if you watch "The Office", hit the cardio during the show, and rotate exercises during the commercials. Find a couple of good shows and use that time that you usually spend sitting in front of the TV and get moving!
If whoever wrote the comment is reading, thank you for the feedback. It is those types of comments that make the site better!
Comments for Sunday NFL "While You Watch" Weight Loss Workout