The problem with Soy...

by J. E. Merrick
(Prospect, Ky. USA)

The problem with soy protien is that it has Phyto-estrogens that behave like ESTROGEN in your body, which is cleary the opposite of what anyone trying to build muscle wants. Watch out for the use of soy protien in fitness bars as it is relatively cheap in cost and is more or less used as a replacement protien for pricier, higher quality protiens. Soy IS NOT a health food despite what you hear in the media... it is dangerous to consume unless it has been fermented for at least a year, something that the health officials fail to inform you of and the soy pushers fail to follow through on. Please do your homework. Thanks, -J.

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by: Anonymous

The Phyto-estrogens in soy are much weaker than the estrogens in your body. Yes the phyto-estrogens will act like estrogens in the body, but they will compete with the more potent ones. This is important because you want the weaker phyto-estrogens binding instead of the natural ones.

The problem with soy
by: C Franklin

People over in the European Nations do not use any soy products in their production of food. They sell it to us (the US) and we buy it. Soy was once made to make plastic in other countries, thats why store products almost all products use some form of soy within their ingredients. It's in the Vendors advantage because it extends the shelf life. I have did a study excluding all food products that contain any type of soy from my diet and I have felt so much better. Think about this; If olive oil, coconut oil, peanut oil, etc. are equally just as good for you WHY NOT ADD THESE TO THE INGREDIENTS OF ALL PRODUCTS INSTEAD OF SOY. If you read a lot of the ingredients in store products they contain some type of soy or (monoglyceries). I hardly ever see any products with peanut, coconut or olive oil within; if you do the product is very pricy. America why is that??? Think about it. Soy is cheap and unhealthy in big dosages; though everything consumes it so you are bound to take in a big dosage unaware. Read your labels!!!!

Soy has a bad rap
by: Anonymous

European nations are not as healthy as the Asian nations whom consume an abundance of soy. I did a study as well as you.. I cut out all dairy and felt a hundred times better. So there is 1 and 1. I also read all labels and will not buy anything with trans fat or high fructose corn syrup. Try finding an American pruduct without those ingredients. Good luck.

Soy is good
by: Sascha

We just completed a huge study at Uvic regarding soy versus milk or meat protein.
It was a double blind study with no bias possible. We ranked the groups as follows;
milk group, meat group, soy group, and misc.
We had the groups monitor the foods they ate and recording them for 12 weeks. We chose people very meticulate in their record keeping, so as to get the most accurate information. No one knew what the study was on, just that we needed them to stay within these defined groups.
We tested them completely before the study-lipids, bp, hormones, ldl hdl, cortisol, thyroid, liver, heart and lung, urinalysis and even fecal testing. At the end of the 3 month study, we found the following;
Milk group had the highest amounts of foreign chemicals in their bodies meaning hormones, the meat group had the highest amounts of bad cholesterol and high lipid ration, the misc group was the comparative group, and the soy group had the lowest levels of invasive hormones, bad cholesterol, lowest bp, best urinalysis, and contrary to common belief the most stable thyroid levels. Now this of course isn't a long term 5 or 10 year study, but this is the 2nd study of it's kind and has produced the same results.

soy is the way to go
by: russian

I lift weights in my off time and I ate meat from age 1-20.. I would try to build muscle without using protien shakes or anything under that catagory. I benched 280, squat 360, deadlift 380 But than i discovered that some vegetables like mushrooms and carrots and beats have a high amount of protien per calorie content.. as a fact they had higher than most of those protien shakes.. a protien bar would have 20g of protien per 200 calories.. while certain mushrooms range from 3g of protien per 20 calories. doing the math.. thats 30g of protien per 200 calories. and most of those calories I am told are a negative calore vegetable.. meaning it takes more calories to digest it than you actualy get.. So.. I started a full nothing but veggie diet.. where i ate beans for my positive calories, and protien.. and I ate all day for my vegetables.. and completly cut out dairy and meat... I worked out twice a day once in the gym and once in the weightroom 4 times a week. I was amazed how fast my lifts went up.. each lift went up by 100 pounds in 3 months.. I had done nothing different in my workout routine. absolutly nothing. (Now I understand how those bulls keep that insane amount of muscle on them.. hahaha)

this is what i've read
by: mark G

Scientifically - Soy contains phytates (phytic acid) which prevents the digestion of vitamins and protein.

Historically - In most asian countries, there is a tradition of fermenting the soybean, as this adds vitamins from bacterial cultures and also breaks down phytates. Unfermented soy protein (which is what they sell) is not that good for you and can be bad for digestion. Originally soy was cultivated purely to fix nitrogen in the soil

about the phytates
by: Anonymous

"Not everyone believes that phytates are a bad thing. Although phytates do bind with minerals, they may actually be preventing the formation of free radicals, thereby keeping the minerals at safe levels in the body. Phytates also have a role to play in cell growth and can move excess minerals out of the body. Stephen Holt, MD, a gastroenterologist and author of The Soy Revolution: The Food of the Next Millennium (M. Evans and Company, 1998), says phytates shield us from dangerously high levels of minerals such as iron. Some animal studies have suggested that phytates stop the growth of cancerous tumors. In Earl Mindell's Soy Miracle, he writes that phytates can bind with minerals that may feed tumors."


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