by Vanessa

I have watched the Biggest Loser for several seasons and have always had the utmost respect for the contestants until this season. I can't believe how immature and evil Vicky and Brady are. As a married couple they feed off of each others negativity and I can't believe the ridiculous stuff that comes out of their mouths on national television. Grow up already! You can tell Vicky has no self confidence and is jealous as all hell to be talking that much trash about the other contestants. And Brady feeds off of it. Its very sad to see that kind of attitude on the show. And I'm sure NBC is thinking twice about choosing them to be on it. I mean, this is supposed to be a show that people look up to the contestants not embarrassed at how immature and crude they are. It goes to show how unappreciative Vicky is to be able to act like that on national television and show the world how horrible of a person she is. I'm sorry for her and Brady and their two children who hopefully will not grow up like them in a negative environment.

Heba, another story. If she put more effort into working out instead of worrying about everybody else, she might have lost a hell a lot more weight by now. She is a controlling, jealous, spoiled brat, who thinks she's better than everyone else. She's a pig and needs to grow up before deciding to bring children into this world.

Vicky, Brady, and Heba are all probably in their mid 30's and act like high schoolers. They have no class and are a sad portrayal of the show and the real meaning of the show. Shame on them....nobody will ever look up to them. No matter how much weight they lose. Karma's a b**ch!

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Dec 10, 2008
Oh Nooooooooo
by: Anonymous

Nooooooooooooooooooo.. Not Vicky in the finals. I'm so disappointed. But I'm so glad that sweet Michelle is in the finals. I hope she wins. I watched Vicky last night, sopping up praise I don't think she deserved. She's been a mean woman, so manipulative. If only Amy had voted her off when she had the chance. If she would have done, Amy wouldn't have had to worry about Vicky reprisals, and maybe, just maybe it would have been Amy and Michelle in the finals.
My stomach turned when Ed was pleading Heba's case. If he hadn't sabotaged himself by gaining 2 pounds, He would have probably been in the finals himself, then at least one of them could have been in the finals. Vicky & Heba would have gone below the yellow line, and I sure as heck would not have voted for Vicky to become the 3rd finalist. "Oh what tangled webs we weave....." Ah well, I'm rooting for Michelle, and really hope that she wins. I don't want Heba to be the 3rd finalist...I voted for Ed....what a choice though huh? Guess we'll find out next week. I've got it teevoed already, just in case I'm not home next Tuesday.

Dec 06, 2008
The biggest LOSERS alright!!!!
by: Anonymous

Vicky, Heba, Brady and Ed have made me stop watching The Biggest Loser. They are horrible people. I feel so bad for their families when I watch the way they are acting on national TV. I hope Vicky's kids turn out nothing like her and Heba needs to grow up herself before trying to have a baby of her own.

Dec 03, 2008
I agree
by: Anonymous

I agree with the assessments of the other writers. I don't care for Vicky or Heba. At least this portrayle of them. However, we could be watching a finely tuned effort of the Network to boost ratings. Therefore a villian is needed. Vicky fills the bill perfectly in my opinion. Heba too for that matter.

I certainly hope that the Network won't stoop this low either case. Whether they planned this Vicky business or no. I don't think she deserves to be on the show, and I hope that she does not win the contest. I have always looked to this show for inspiration. I like to feel as though I get to know each one of the contestants.(at least a little). I cheer for them, and yes, you'll find tears on my face at some points. They almost become friends.
I could never call Vicky or Heba a friend. I chose not to bring High School with me when I left it. Too bad Vicky doesn't realize she's a grown up now, and shouldn't act like a child. Heba is still a child too and does seem to be spoiled, as was previously mentioned.
I will be sorely disappointed if either one of those women win.

Dec 02, 2008
It's all about Ickey...Op's Vicky
by: sandra

Poor Vicky, I don't care how much weight she looses she will always be ugly on the outside because she is so ugly inside. One can only imagine how she talks to her children it is obvious the only words out of her husbands mouth is, "Yes Dear" he is big enough to go bear hunting with a stick but he's not about to cross her. I know I wouldn't I don't care how many rocks I have in my pockets I would start running.
She has no interest in keeping her weight off she is only there for the money soon as the show ends she will grab her fork and start digging her grave with her teeth....on second thought she will live longer than any one God don't want her and the Devil won't have her so she will be slithering around for a long time. Hopefully she is through breeding the world does not need another Vicky.

Nov 20, 2008
Agree with All
by: Anonymous

I agree with all of you. Heba, Vicky and husbands are the worse of the worse. Satan almost seems like a nice guy next to those three. Vicky makes me throw up in my mouth whenever I see that little girl grin of "hahaha." She is pure evil and my six year old niece behaves better. Heba is just classless. She is nothing to write home about. Ed is sure in for a ride with her. To bad he won't know what it's like to wear the pants in the family. I just wished they were off the show so we could enjoy positive attitutes to motivate us all on improving our lifestyles.

Nov 18, 2008
tonight's show
by: Anonymous

Yep, I think Vicky needs to go tonight. Her negativity is toxic to others. I've watched several seasons and do appreciate the commaradrie between the contestants. But Vicky is different and Heba too.

Nov 16, 2008
brady, vicky, heba
by: Anonymous

I am so disgusted my these contestants. Heba especially? She should be focusing on her weight loss, and keep her big mouth shut. Who does she think she is? Her poor Husband. Newlyweds--Good luck being married to her.
Same goes to Brady. Vicky is just EVIL!!!
She is vicious,cold and mean.
All class, to bad it's low!

Nov 13, 2008
They are ridiculous!!!
by: CP

I agree....this is ridiculous. I have always had respect and admiration for the contestants. Now it is just sad!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nov 12, 2008
Can't stand Heba, Vicki, Brady anymore

It's about all I can do to watch the show anymore. This is one of my favorite shows, I am always inspired, motivated, and emotionally moved by what happens on this show.
But, the inmature, mean, downright evil way that Vicki, Heba, and Brady have been is just sickening. It's amazing it is allowed to be tolerated with the producers of the show. In my mind they should be booted and told to themselves and the millions that watch on live T.V., that they are not the biggest losers of weight this season, but because of their behavior, they are the biggest LOSERS or empathy, maturity, human kind, and karma will hopefully catch up. What a horrible role model for people to follow and especially their kids. Whatever happened between all and Philip, who really cares. He has a huge heart, is a great person, and his humility far outweighs any behavior the 3 of them put together have ever shown of this show. It is truely sickening. He would never stoop to that level as a human. I say, way to go Amy for booting Brady's sorry butt off the show. I am sick to my stomach to see what evil things Vicki and Heba will do to her now. Ick.

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